Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hello, November!

It's been a weird year for me, and this month tops all the rest in spades. I had TWO new stories come out over the Halloween weekend. One is The Cat’s Meow, a short freebie, done with the Here be Magic group under the pen name Hera B. Magic. These quirky little Halloween cat stories are a FREE download from Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/489242

And Mr. November: Thankful for You is here from Decadent Publishing! Check out how two imperfect people can be perfect for each other! http://www.decadentpublishing.com/product_info.php?products_id=1005&osCsid=qlu88du7hrac6hoons077h9r44

AND I just got word that my full-length merman-shifter novel Sea Change will be released from Ellora’s Cave on Nov. 26, the day before Thanksgiving and 5 days after my son’s wedding. 
So November is a busy month for me. Always, with two family birthdays in October, one in November and one in December, plus Halloween teardown, Thanksgiving to deal with and Christmas prep. So of course the kids decide to get married in November, amking this one about the craziest yet, not even counting three book releases! Weddings are always crazy, and since most of her family is out of town, I'm running point on this one. AND I have a book due to Carina Press January 1. AND a short story due in early 2014 for an anthology...AND I can't forget to vote tomorrow. AND we still haven't finished unpacking for the move--and the in-laws will be here for the wedding!

Anyway, everyone have a great month full of great reads! You probably won't see me online as much as usual, and if you do, I'll be tearing my hair out.

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