Friday, January 3, 2014

A Fresh Start

Have you set your goals for 2014? I think this is a little different from a New Year's Resolution. The later is the means toward that goal. So have you set your goals yet? Big ones, small ones, SMART ones? 
S – Specific (or Significant). M – Measurable (or Meaningful). A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).  – Relevant (or Rewarding). T – Time-bound (or Trackable)
 Did you write them down? I confess I hadn't until my good friend and romance cover model Billy Freda called me last week and made me feel guilty for not writing out my goals. He had, of course, but in my defense, I had jotted down my book goals on my calendar (um...deadlines, LOL) but I'd only "thought" about my personal goals. So know I'm trying a different tactic for 2014. I've written out both professional and personal goals. I've put them in place where I'll constantly be reminded of them. I'm determined that will keep me motivated and 2014 will be the most successful year yet!
What are your goals? Here's to a fantastic fresh start!
Southern Smiles,
Casey Crow

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