Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Naked Sushi: Vine Excerpts 3 and 4: "His hands were all over me"

Naked Sushi is my Cosmo Red-Hot Read from Harlequin. I've had a lot of fun with my Vine videos--my 6-second wonders I call them--that loop over and over again with my excerpts.

This week is my Vine Excerpt 3. Pepper has just met this cool guy in the copy room where she works as a video game designer. She doesn’t know he’s an undercover FBI agent…

Naked Sushi

Excerpt 3:

He grinned and then took his hand away from his pocket and cupped my chin.  When he stared into my eyes, my knees turned to honey, all warm and melty. A shiver went through me.

“What’s your name?” he asked.


“Are you as hot as your name?” he wanted to know, bumping his hip into mine, his hot breath steaming up my glasses. His tough, sexy talk took me to a place I’d only dreamed of going. His voice gripped me, making me squeeze my pubic muscles in a delicious manner and then release them.

“How’d you like to find out?” I said, tossing him a wicked grin.

I loved saying that, figuring he’d laugh like the other programmers and then slap me on the back and ask me to go have a beer.

Imagine my surprise when he didn’t.


In Vine Excerpt 4, Pepper finds herself at the mercy of a sexy thief in the copy room in Naked Sushi.

Naked Sushi

Excerpt 4

I purred like a kitten, listening to my inner rhythm and loving it. I gave in willingly, my hormones flowing in harmony with his need, my need.

“Silly, dumb, stupid” were adjectives I’d use to describe my actions, but what girl stopped to think when a kiss was this good? I didn’t.

My body became the prey of this corporate raider Casanova. His hands were all over me, toying with my heavy red-plaid flannel shirt, yanking at the buttons hanging on for dear life.

With one small tug, he popped off the top two.


NAKED SUSHI is available on Amazon! And e-tailers everywhere!


Geo said...

loved this book, Jina brings the most sensual to life in all of her books. Us ladies don't read spicy material to be soothed to sleep, we read to escape and play, and to feel excitement of love and lust unhindered! Thanks Jina!
Georgann M

Jina Bacarr said...

Thank you so much, Georgann!!

Yes, it's true, my heroines have a way about them that borders on adventure spiked with curiosity and a lot of sexy happs in their lives. Pepper fits that mode all the way. I wanted to write about a heroine who does the things we all wish we could do while we're sitting at our computers at work. Escape is a perfect way of describing Naked Sushi