Monday, August 20, 2012

Stranger Than Fiction...

So I walk into my son's camp on a Friday afternoon, naively expecting to finish a successful week toting him home. Only to hear a child crying in distress. My stomach sank. I knew that particular sound.  My son's wail. Around him stood maybe half a dozen adults and a dozen kids of various ages.

Center stage is my son, hand stuck in a free-standing plastic barrier fence. About ten minutes before I had arrived he had explored said fence and inserted his middle finger in a hole drilled into the plastic, only to be unable to remove it because of the odd angle of the small space surrounding the hole. Twenty minutes later the staff gave up after coating the finger in WD40 oil, pouring cold soapy water over it, and trying to convince him to move the finger just so. Finally, they called the fire department to have them cut through the plastic and free my son's finger.

Seven handsome fire fighters showed up with tools in hand. They'd decided to leave behind the jaws of life, although someone laughingly made that suggestion. Only two of them were needed to clip open the plastic.

Five minutes later....viola.  Freedom. After fifty minutes of being stuck, the finger slid out unharmed. All was well.

But then the romance writer in me stuck up her head and thought about the seven fire fighters. Perhaps this situation was a device for a single mother to meet one or more particular fire fighter.

There is always a story to be found in our daily grind. What's the latest moment you experienced that provided fodder for story ideas?


Wynter said...

LOL! Glad your son was released from the finger-eating fence unharmed. I also find inspiration in everyday life. With a husband in law enforcement, his routine incident reports often give me great fodder.

Cindy Spencer Pape said...

Glad the son is okay, but yes, great inspiration!

Jax Cassidy said...

At least they called in the hot firefighters. I bet your son was petrified..but I have to admit I had to laugh a little....

Naima Simone said...

ROFL!! Now that is just hilarious! Wow! I'm glad your son is okay though! I haven't had any good, inspiring moments lately. But I did see Dirty Dancing was on tv and it reminded me that I want to write a book like that ...