Monday, April 2, 2012


This weekend I flew to another part of the country for a family celebration. Boarding my connecting plane, I made my way through the aircraft, lugging my carry-ons, settled into my seat, only to hear a voice next to me say. "That looks just like Michelle."

Seated directly across from me were two of my favorite relatives, also flying in for the same family celebration. We spent the entire flight (including the extra hour delay on the tarmac) chatting and laughing and catching up. Sharing profound life wisdoms, believe it or not. I was reminded why these people are some of my favorite relatives.

Now the odds we would have been on this same plane were not unreasonable given where this couple lives. But that we were seated next to one another? I've been having some difficult times recently, and this extra visit was exactly what I needed.

The moment reminded me of what I believe in most fervently in life. Connection. How people and everything in the world touches each other in small moments or intersections. This morning I realized that is exactly why I write.

Yes, writing is a solitary endeavor. But not really. I am creating new worlds and new characters that connect. My characters fight their loneliness to discover ways they click with friends and lovers, but even with themselves. And then these stories I write travel into the world and act as bridges of connection with readers. And a good story makes you feel a little less alone.

We all feel alone and lonely at times. Even those of us who are surrounded by people we love and who love us back. It is the nature of the human beast, I imagine. But often the skill of noticing our million moments of connection can help us overcome that loneliness. The world is a miraculous place, if we just open our eyes and remember it is.

Be well this week my fellow travelers.


Wynter said...

I'm sorry you've been having a rough go of it. Connections are so important when you work in a solitary environment, which is one reasons I formed the Naughty Chicks. Our online community is another connection that keeps us grounded. Enjoy the family time!

Dalton Diaz said...

Wow, Michelle, this is such an awesome post. I have goosebumps. I'm so glad you had that opportunity. I agree, I love those reminders that in reality, we have what's truly important. It's both humbling and beautiful.

Callie Croix said...

Family and friends mean so much, especially if you have good ones! I'm glad you were able to reconnect with them.