Friday, March 2, 2012


By: Casey Crow
My long-awaited DANCE WITH A MILLIONAIRE is coming March 20 with Siren Publishing. When I say "long-awaited," I'm not kidding. This was the first manuscript I ever wrote - meaning I started it in, I'm guessing, 2006. I don't even remember when I had a dream and when I woke up, I immediately sat down at the computer and pounded out everything I could remember. I never picked up a "how to write" book or had this great vision to become a writer, although I'd been thinking for a while "I could that" every time I read a Harlequin.
I piddled around on the story for a few years, which was originally entitled PAS DE DEUX but Mom made me nix it since most people don't know what that means, until I joined RWA in 2009 and got serious about getting published. I went back and rewrote DWAM then let it sit as I was busy with other projects. Finally, I submitted it to Siren and now here it is. Talk about a dream come true - literally!
Here's the blurb:
Southern belle Campbell Layne is the rising star of theManhattan Ballet Theatre, providing she lands the upcoming principal role. Thestage heats up, however, when Rod Carrington steps in and teaches her more thanshe ever expected.
Campbell is determined to stay focused on the audition thatwill push her into stardom, but the dazzling attorney she meets at a galaproves to be a major distraction especially when he ends up being her professorin a college class she’s taking in her spare time. Campbell humiliates herselfon their first date, but that doesn’t stop Rod from whisking her off to Italyand turning her into quite the vixen. Too bad he also had to use his powerfulinfluence to secure the lead for her. Now she’ll never know if her talent wasreal or “bought” by the man she thought was the love of her life.
So what stories do you have regarding your first manuscript? Or if you are a reader, let's hear about the first romance you remember reading!


Naima Simone said...

Yaay! Congratulations, Casey!! The blurb sounds so good! March 20th...writing that down so I can be one of the first to get my copy! I love stories about ballerinas...weird, huh? But ever since I was a teenager, ballerinas are one of my weaknesses when it comes to books. Blame V.C. Andrews and Nora Roberts who started my fascination. Although Nora had a much better HEA ending! LOL!

The first manuscript that I finished was after my son was born in 1999. It was AWFUL!! Oh Lawd, it was bad! LOL! That was before I knew about RWA too. And ten years later--after leaving, coming back, razing it to the ground and starting again--it became the first book I sold!

Congratulations again!! And pretty cover!

Wynter said...

Congrats on the release!

Dalton Diaz said...

Most of us have a first book or two, or three gathering dust bunnies under our beds. (I even heard Nora say she has 2!) That your first one is getting published is really special. Congrats!

Jax Cassidy said...

Oooh, sounds great! I love the dance world so this is going to be good :)

Michelle Polaris said...

Major congratulations! To have your first published is a wonderful feeling. Very validating as a writer. I was lucky enough on that account too. The blurb sounds fantastic.

Casey Crow said...

Thanks, y'all. Naima - I just read Nora Roberts CONDSIDERING KATE and was folding down pages with all the ballerina references - ugly, blistered feet, and all! Ballet is my first love in the dance world, but definitely my favorite thing about this story is the weekend in Italy. I was able to pull from a my trip there so it was great fun to write about the cobblestone alleys and scenery. And the food. My Lord, do Campbell and Rod like to eat in this book. LOL

Totally off the subject, but I got some super exciting news over the weekend. My debut CAN'T FAKE THIS has finaled in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence! Winners will be announced in April, but it's a huge honor to be nominated so I'm still doing my happy dance (which is the complete of opposite of graceful ballerina).

Paige Tyler said...

Congratulations! Sounds great!
